About Me
I (刘一新, Yi-Xin Liu) am a polymer physicist at Department of Macromolecular Science of Fudan University since 2012. Before that, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Fudan University from 2009 to 2012. I received my PhD in Polymer Physics from Peking University China in 2009 and my BSc from Nanjing University China in 2004. I have spent two years (07/2014 - 07/2016) performing research, as a visiting researcher, in collaboration with Prof. Glenn H. Fredrickson in Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) at University of California, Santa Barbara, on the fields of computational polymer field theory and theoretical polymer physics. My current research interests lie in the area of soft matter physics and scientific software, including polymer field theory (both mean-field and beyond mean-field) and related numerical algorithms, phase behavior and structures of block copolymers, polymer brushes and polyelectrolytes in bulk and under confinements, directed self-assembly, and ultrathin film crystallization. I have published 29 research articles in peer reviewed journals.
UC Santa Barbara
Materials Research Laboratory
MRL Bldg. Room 3104, UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106, US
Email: lyx@mrl.ucsb.edu
About This Website
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This website is the homepage of Yi-Xin Liu’s research group. Yi-Xin Liu is the copyright holder to all the contents published on this website except the underlying theme. If you wish to use any copyright material on this website, please contact me via the Email or address listed above to obtain a permission.
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- Minimal visual components plus a responsive, paper-like, extremely clean appearance. Let visitors focus on the main content of a post.
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