
Journal Articles

ORCID: 0000-0001-9374-5981 Google Scholar
  1. Automated chain architecture screening for discovery of block copolymer assembly with graph enhanced self-consistent field theory
    Zhang, Y.; Huang, W.; Liu, Y. X.*;
    Commun. Mater. 2024, 5, 266.
  2. On the Teaching of Modern Polymer Physics: Phase Equilibrium of Polymer Blends
    Huang, W. L.; Zhang, Y. C.; Li, J. F.*; Liu, Y. X.*;
    Polymer Bulletin 2024, 37, 829-835. (In chinese)
  3. Automated Identification of Ordered Phases for Simulation Studies of Block Copolymers
    Zhang, Y.; Huang, W.; Liu, Y. X.*;
    Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2024, 42, 683-692.
  4. Template Design for Complex Block Copolymer Patterns Using a Machine Learning Method
    Liu, Z.; Liu, Y. X.*; Yang, Y.; Li, J.*;
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 31049-31056.
  5. Composition Waves in Solution-Processed Organic Films and Its Propagations from Kinetically Frozen Surface Mesophases
    Yu, J.; Shen, Z.; Lu, W.; Zhu, Y.; Liu, Y. X.*; Neher, D.; Koch, N.; Lu, G.*;
    Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 33, 2302089.
  6. On the Teaching of Modern Polymer Physics: Free Energy of A Single Polymer Chain in Polymer Solutions
    Liu, Y. X.; Li, J. F.*; Zhang, H. D.;
    Univ. Chem. 2022, 37, 2103041. (In chinese)
  7. Folded Chain Lamellae of Dynamic Helical Poly-(phenylacetylene) in Hexagonal Columnar Phase
    Zhang, Y. F.; Chen, X.; Yu, X. S.; Chen, J. X.; Hu, M. Q.; Zhang, B. Y.; Liu, Y. X.*; Yang, S.*; Chen, E. Q.*;
    Macromolecules 2021, 54, 6038-6044.
  8. Simplicity in Mean-field Phase Behavior of Two-component Miktoarm Star Copolymers
    Li, W.*; Liu, Y. X.*;
    J. Chem. Phys. 2021, 154, 014903.
  9. Removal Pathways of Out-of-plane Defects in Thin Films of Lamellar Forming Block Copolymers
    Song, J. Q.; Liu, Y. X.*; Zhang, H. D.;
    Macromolecules 2018, 51, 4201-4212.
  10. Theoretical Studies on Defect Removal in Block Copolymer Thin Films under Soft Confinement
    Song, J. Q.; Liu, Y. X.*; Zhang, H. D.;
    Acta Polym. Sin. 2018, 12, 1548-1557. (In chinese)
  11. Thickening Kinetics of Monolayer Crystals of Low Molecular Weight Poly(ethylene oxide) Fractions on Mica Surfaces
    Liu, Y. X.*; Chen, E. Q.;
    Acta Polym. Sin. 2018, 9, 1212-1220. (In chinese)
  12. Structures and Surface States of Polymer Brushes in Good Solvents: Effects of Surface Interactions
    Liu, Y. X.*; Zhang, H. D.;
    Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2018, 36, 1047-1054.
  13. An Efficient Algorithm for Self-Consistent Field Theory Calculations of Complex Self-Assembled Structures of Block Copolymer Melts
    Song, J. Q.; Liu, Y. X.*; Zhang, H. D.;
    Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2018, 36, 488-496.
  14. Field-Theoretic Simulations of Fluctuation-Stabilized Aperiodic Bricks-and-Mortar Mesophase in Miktoarm Star Block Copolymer/Homopolymer Blends
    Liu, Y. X.; Delaney, K. T.; Fredrickson, G. H.*;
    Macromolecules 2017, 50, 6263-6272.
  15. A Surface Interaction Model for Self-assembly of Block Copolymers under Soft Confinement
    Song, J. Q.; Liu, Y. X.*; Zhang, H. D.;
    J. Chem. Phys. 2016, 145, 214902.
  16. On the Teaching of Modern Polymer Physics: I. Ginzburg Criterion
    Liu, Y. X.*; Zhang, H. D.;
    Polymer Bulletin 2015, 1, 73-79. (In chinese)
  17. Exponential time differencing methods with Chebyshev collocation for polymers confined by interacting surfaces
    Liu, Y. X.*; Zhang, H. D.;
    J. Chem. Phys. 2014, 140, 224101.
  18. Microphase Separation and Phase Diagram of Concentrated Diblock Copolyelectrolyte Solutions Studied by Self-Consistent Field Theory Calculations in Two-Dimensional Space
    Liu, Y. X.*; Zhang, H. D.*; Tong, C. H.; Yang, Y. L.;
    Macromolecules 2011, 44, 8261-8269.
  19. Phase Selection Pathways in Ultrathin Film Crystallization of a Low Molecular Weight Poly(ethylene oxide) Fraction on Mica Surfaces
    Liu, Y. X.; Zhong, L. W.; Su, S. Z.; Chen, E. Q.*;
    Macromolecules 2011, 44, 8819-8828.
  20. Combined Main-Chain/Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer with Main-Chain On the basis of Jacketing Effect and Side-Chain Containing Azobenzene Groups
    Xie, H. L.; Wang, S. J.; Zhong, G. Q.; Liu, Y. X.; Zhang, H. L.*; Chen, E. Q.*;
    Macromolecules 2011, 44, 7600-7609.
  21. Polymer crystallization of ultrathin films on solid substrates
    Liu, Y. X.; Chen, E. Q.*;
    Coord. Chem. Rev. 2010, 254, 1011-1037.
  22. Design, Synthesis, and Multiple Hierarchical Ordering of a Novel Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline-Rod Diblock Copolymer
    Xie, H. L.; Liu, Y. X.; Zhong, G. Q.; Zhang, H. L.*; Chen, E. Q.*; Zhou, Q. F.;
    Macromolecules 2009, 42, 8774-8780.
  23. Direct Observation and Modeling of Transient Nucleation in Isothermal Thickening of Polymer Lamellar Crystal Monolayers
    Liu, Y. X.; Li, J. F.; Zhu, D. S.; Chen, E. Q.*; Zhang, H. D.*;
    Macromolecules 2009, 42, 2886-2890.
  24. Molecular packing and phase transitions of side-chain liquid crystalline polymethacrylates based on p-methoxyazobenzene
    Zhu, X. Q.; Liu, J. H.; Liu, Y. X.; Chen, E. Q.*;
    Polymer 2008, 49, 3103-3110.
  25. AFM-tip-induced crystallization of poly(ethylene oxide) melt droplets
    Zhu, D. S.; Shou, X. X.; Liu, Y. X.; Chen, E. Q.*; Cheng, S. Z. D.;
    Front. Chem. China 2007, 2, 174-177.
  26. Crystal Growth Mechanism Changes in Pseudo-Dewetted Poly(ethylene oxide) Thin Layers
    Zhu, D. S.; Liu, Y. X.; Chen, E. Q.*; Li, M.; Chen, C.; Sun, Y. H.; Shi, A. C.*; Van Horn, R. M.; Cheng, S. Z. D.*;
    Macromolecules 2007, 40, 1570-1578.
  27. Morphology evolution in superheated crystal monolayer of low molecular weight poly(ethylene oxide) on mica surface
    Zhu, D. S.; Liu, Y. X.; Shi, A. C.; Chen, E. Q.*;
    Polymer 2006, 47, 5239-5242.
  28. Pseudo-dewetting behavior of low molecular weight poly(ethylene oxide) melts on mica surface
    Zhu, D. S.; Liu, Y. X.; Chen, E. Q.*; Li, M.; Cheng, S. Z. D.;
    Acta Polym. Sin. 2006, 9, 1125-1128. (In chinese)
  29. AFM-tip-induced crystallization of poly(ethylene oxide) melt droplets
    Zhu, D. S.; Shou, X. X.; Liu, Y. X.; Chen, E. Q.*; Cheng, S. Z. D.;
    Acta Polym. Sin. 2006, 4, 553-556. (In chinese)

Presentations and Posters

  1. Accelerating Mean-Field Phase Diagram Construction of Multi-component Block Copolymer Blends
    Liu, Y. X.;
    APS March Meeting Anaheim, CA, USA, Upcoming.
  2. 嵌段共聚物相图计算相关加速算法研究
    Liu, Y. X.;
    中国化学会软物质理论计算与模拟学术会议 Guangzhou, China, 2024.
  3. Automating the Exploration of Block Copolymer Phase Diagrams
    Liu, Y. X.;
    The 14th International Symposium on Polymer Physics Chongqing, China, 2024.
  4. Accelerating Phase Diagram Calculations of Block Copolymer Blends Involving Microphase Separation
    Liu, Y. X.;
    Polymer Symposium of China Wuhan, China, 2023.
  5. A General Description of Polymer Architectures and Its Applications
    Liu, Y. X.;
    Interdisciplinary Workshop on Macromolecules and Active Matter Suzhou, China (Online), 2021.
  6. Soft and Strong Thermoplastic Elastomers Based on Miktoarm Star Block Copolymers
    Liu, Y. X.; Delaney, K. T.; Fredrickson, G. H.;
    Fudan University-South China University of Technology Joint Workshop on Soft Matter Shanghai, China, 2017.
  7. Density Functional Model for Fluctuating Polymer Solutions: Partial Saddle Point Approximation Approach
    Liu, Y. X.; Delaney, K. T.; Fredrickson, G. H.;
    Complex Fluid Design Consortium (CFDC) Annual Meeting Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 2016.
  8. Density Functional Model for Fluctuating Polymer Solutions
    Liu, Y. X.; Delaney, K. T.; Fredrickson, G. H.;
    Complex Fluid Design Consortium (CFDC) Annual Meeting Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 2015.
  9. Polymer Self-Consistent Field Theory in Bulk and under Confinement
    Liu, Y. X.;
    ASML San Jose, CA, USA, 2014.
  10. Exponential Time Differencing Methods for Numerical Self-Consistent Field Theory
    Liu, Y. X.; Zhang, H. D.;
    APS March Meeting Denver, CO, USA, 2014.
  11. Logarithmic-Normal Size Distribution in Crystallization of Polymeric Ultrathin Films Preceded by A Metastable Phase
    Liu, Y. X.;
    The 10th International Symposium on Polymer Physics Chengdu, China, 2012.
  12. A Unified Computing Framework for Self-Consistent Field Theory: Applications in Charged Polymers
    Liu, Y. X.; Zhang, H. D.;
    Theory and Simulation on the Structure and Property of Macromolecular Systems Symposium Nanjing, China, 2012.
  13. Phase Selection in Crystal Monolayer of Low Molecular Weight Poly(Ethylene Oxide) On Mica Surface
    Liu, Y. X.; Zhu, D. S.; Chen, E. Q.;
    The 8th International Symposium on Polymer Physics Xiamen, China, 2008.
  14. Isothermal Thickening of PEO Lamellar Crystals On Mica Surface
    Liu, Y. X.; Chen, E. Q.;
    Polymer Symposium of China Chengdu, China, 2007.


  1. Microphase Separation of Weakly Charged Polymers and Phase Transition Kinetics of Lamellar Crystal Monolayers
    Liu, Y. X.
    Supervisor: Zhang, H. D.
    Postdoctoral Research Report Fudan University, 2012. (In chinese)
  2. Phase Selection Pathways and Morphological evolution in Polymer Crystallization: An Experimental and Theoretical Study on Low Molecular Weight Poly(ethylene oxide) Fractions
    Liu, Y. X.
    Advisor: Chen, E. Q.
    Doctoral Disertation Peking University, 2009. (In chinese)