Software · Tutorials – Write beautiful math and code intensive blog posts
Tutorial and A Template for Blogging with the LYX Jekyll Theme
An abstract or a summary of the blog post should be put here. This paragraph, before the excerpt mark, also goes before the TOC. The excerpt mark we choose in the LYX theme is `
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Research · Software · Tutorials – Translations and coordinate transformation
Julia in Practice: Building Scattering.jl from Scratch (3)
In this post we will implement a submodule translation.jl to perform transformation of a vector in the reference coordinate to the internal coordinate of a scatterer. Translation and coordinate transformation will be discussed in detail.
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Research · Software · Tutorials – The shape of scattering peaks and essential Julia language features
Julia in Practice: Building Scattering.jl from Scratch (2)
In this post we will implement a submodule, peak.jl, to model the shape of scattering peaks. Essential Julia language features will be introduced along the development of the submodule. You shall learn types, constructors, functions, methods, functors, modules, testing, and benchmarking after reading this post.
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Research · Software · Tutorials – Brief introduction to the scattering theory and the Julia programming language
Julia in Practice: Building Scattering.jl from Scratch (1)
This is the first post of a series of blog posts published in Yi-Xin Liu’s research group website on an effort to demonstrate how to develop a software package for computing scattering and diffraction curves of individual or self-assembled nanoparticles, polymers as well as biological materials using Julia programming language. The purpose of this series of blog posts is in three folds: (1) to provide a source of concise understanding of the scattering theory especially for small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS); (2) to demonstrate the power of the Julia programming language in scientific computing; and (3) to serve as a detailed documentation for the Scattering.jl software package.
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Research · Technical Reports – Where does Debye function come from?
Weak Inhomogeneity Expansion in Polymer Field Theory
This report performs weak inhomogeneity expansion for the continuous Gaussian chain model of a homopolymer in an external field. The aim is to understand where does the Debye function come from. This technique constitutes the main parts of the random phase approximation (RPA). By extending this technique from single-chain formulation to many-chain formulation and regarding the potential field arising from interaction with other chains in the same system as an external field, RPA is equivalent to the weak inhomogeneity expansion.
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